Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Write On! - Setting the Scene

This is a free 10-week writing challenge that helps you to stay creative, challenge your writing skills, and to try new genres. This challenge is for everyone - not just seasoned authors. You get to decide how much you will participate and what you will share. Join the challenge today.

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Write On! Challenge

10-Week Writing Challenge that encourages you to broaden your writing skills, try new genres, and discover your hidden talents.

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Words That Affect You

WRITING PROMPT - Has someone ever told you some thing about YOU that you never forgotten? • Who was it • How important are they in your life? • What did they say? • How did you feel about it? • Did it inspire you or discourage you?

BONUS CHALLENGE - What can you say to inspire others and make their day?

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Words To Laugh By

WRITING PROMPT - Finding things in life to laugh about is important for my mental health. What are two words or phrases that make you laugh? Why do you find them funny?

BONUS CHALLENGE - Make up your own hilarious word or phrase. Talk about what it means and why do you think it’s funny.

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical


WRITING PROMPT - Write about a place you have never visited, but would like to live there. Where would you live? What would your home, community, and lifestyle be like?

BONUS CHALLENGE - Why did you pick this please?

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Quotes I Live By

WRITING PROMPT - What is a quote you try to live by? What does that resonate with you? How hard is it to live by this quote? How have you changed your life?

BONUS CHALLENGE - What can you do to inspire the world with what living by these words has taught you?

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

My Weirdness

WRITING PROMPT - We all have a little weirdness inside of us. What are three weird traits you have? Why do you think they’re weird? How do you feel about your weakness? Are you ashamed of it? Do you embrace it?

BONUS CHALLENGE - Use two words that you have never used before.

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical


WRITING PROMPT- what is your earliest memory? How old were you? Where were you? Describe the location, the people who were there, and what was going on. Was it a good experience or a bad one?

BONUS CHALLENGE - How would that experience be different if it happened today?

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

My Earliest Childhood Memory

WRITING PROMPT- what is your earliest memory? How old were you? Where were you? Describe the location, the people who were there, and what was going on. Was it a good experience or a bad one?

BONUS CHALLENGE - How would that experience be different if it happened today?

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

My Proudest Day

WRITING PROMPT - Write about a cool TV show idea you may have.

• What is the setting?

• Who are the characters?

• What is the show about?

BONUS - Write the story from a cat’s perspective.

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Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

TV Show Idea

WRITING PROMPT - Write about a cool TV show idea you may have.

• What is the setting?

• Who are the characters?

• What is the show about?

BONUS - Write the story from a cat’s perspective.

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