TV Show Idea
TV Show Idea
WRITING PROMPT - Write about a cool TV show idea you may have.
What is the setting?
Who are the characters?
What is the show about?
BONUS - Write the story from a cat’s perspective.
I was running for days, searching for another person that could take me home and make me a part of their family. But I haven’t seen people in days. I’m starting to believe that I am totally alone.
I look at my surroundings and try to figure out where I am. There is sand as far as the eye can see. The sand is flat in some areas and gigantic hills surround me. I climb to the nearest hill to see if I could spot anyone, but all I could see was a cactus, a little bit of grass, sand, and rocks.
Far in the distance, I notice a structure and like any I have ever seen. Will my new family be inside of that structure?
I meander over to the structure but I see no doors or windows to go through. I inspect the entire thing. It looks like one big piece of metal. There aren’t any seam or edges. I have no clue what I just found, but I’m intrigued…
I just have to see what’s inside. I’m not sure how I know this, but if I get inside that structure, my whole life is going to change!
I tried to climb to the top of the structure, but the metal is so slick I just kept sliding off. So I figure I will sit down and take a break so that I can clear my head.
The next thing I know, I am in a room full of cages. There are beings like I’ve never seen before inside the cages. Are they my new family?
I tried to talk to them, but nobody seem to understand me. They keep looking away as if I don’t exist.
I hear footsteps coming my way, and instinctively I hide until I can figure out what’s going on.
I hear talking, but I can’t understand what they are saying. As they walk away, I decided to follow them. Maybe I can figure out where I am and if I’m safe.
We walk for what feels like hours. But the structure doesn’t seem to be big enough to walk that long. I’m so confused!
The hallway leads to stairs. So many doors line the walls, but I can’t see any handles to open the doors. This place seems to be getting more and more strange with each step I take.
Suddenly I hear a noise behind me as one of the doors open. I see a young girl standing in the hallway. She’s looking at me as if she had never seen anything like me before. She didn’t look afraid, and for some reason I felt comfortable with her.
I slowly walk over to her and cautiously a circle her while trying to make sure she was real. Hey, I just don’t know in this place!
When my fur touched her, I felt an instant connection. I found my family!
Before I can continue my exploration, more footsteps we’re heading our way.
She got a terrified look on her face, and ushered me through the doorway as it close quietly behind us.
I stood on the other side of that door trying to understand what just happened.
The footsteps paused outside the door we just came through. I heard voices, but could not understand their language.
What was this place? I have so many questions!
All of a sudden, I hear the girl tell me to stop thinking so loudly. I was drawing attention to our room and they were going to come in if I didn’t stop. She told me she would explain once they were gone.
I held my breath and tried to keep my mind as blank as possible. It was harder than I thought!
We both relaxed as the footsteps continue down the hallway and their voices grew softer.
We sat there for what felt like forever. Suddenly I hear her ask me if I’m okay. She asked me who I was, what my name is, and how I got there. She was asking so many questions I couldn’t keep them all straight!
When I tried to answer her questions, I realize she didn’t understand my words. Why can’t she understand me?
She smiled and told me that we can only understand each other through telepathy. She told me to think the words instead of saying them out loud. Apparently, this is how they communicated in this place.
We had a long conversation where I explained to her what happened, who I am, and why I was wandering around by myself.
Then it was my turn to ask questions. This is what she told me:
She was created in a lab within this facility. She is part human and part Panthurian. I have no clue what that means, but I assume she will explain later.
I asked her what this place is and she smiled. Apparently this is a facility in the middle of a desert. There are many species living here. Those who are in charge keep the others locked in rooms or cages. They use the rooms as observation tanks. The walls have the ability to become see-through, but are way too strong to break. She said she tried to escape once, and they punished her so severely that she will never try to leave again. No wonder she was afraid when she heard the footsteps in the hallway.
She explained that if they find me here, they will take me away. She cannot guarantee my safety.
It seems that this facility houses, some very dangerous beings who are capable of filling you with the greatest joy or unending pain. Apparently, your actions dictate which when you get.
The next thing we knew, the door flew open and standing in the doorway was a being that look to be about 4 foot tall, bald, and I had a great big, black eyes. It wasn’t human like the girl, but I have never seen anything like it before.
Luckily, it didn’t see me because I was hidden behind the couch
I heard it asked if she was alright. They told her that there was a security break, and they were just checking to make sure that she was okay . The creature really sounded concerned about her safety.
I sat there as still as I could be, and just thought about the air. I figured it was safe to think about the air so that this being didn’t hear my thoughts and know that I was there.
When’s the being with satisfied that she was fine, it went back into the hallway and continued it’s security detail.
When the coast was clear, the girl explained that we were on a secret military base surrounded by humans and aliens. She told me that this facility is where they take any alien who crashes to the earth. She said that they use the people to breed. The aliens are being used for experiments and to gather knowledge about technology and the universe.
It seems that my new family isn’t exactly what I was looking for, but life is definitely going to be interesting for this feline! I purred softly as I hug my new friend. I have never felt so comfortable with anyone.
I’m not sure what our future will hold, but I do know that she feels like home to me and I am looking forward to our adventures together.