Best Friends
Best Friends
WRITING PROMPT - Who is your best friend? How long have you been friends? What is your favorite thing about them?
BONUS - Tell the story of how you met.
A best friend is someone you can count on, confide in, and trust with anything in your life.
Some people have many different best friends throughout their lifetime. Some people have a group of best friends. And some people have one person whose friendship lasts their entire life.
I have had many best friends throughout my lifetime.
In my early years, my best friend was a boy who lived in the apartment below my grandparents. We spent many days making up games and just having fun together.
When we started school, I met a girl I’ll call Dianna. We did everything together and she encouraged me to use my imagination in ways I have never dreamed of possible.
When I moved across the state, I became friends with Pam. Life with Pam as a friend was never boring. She was the friend who kept me on my toes. When I was with her, I was prepared for anything to happen - and it usually did.
Then there was my work wife. Kathy was the person who kept me sane when the office got hectic. She was my roommate on work trips and helped me through some very tough times in my life.
As an adult, my family became my life. I found it hard to hang out with my friends because they didn’t have children or were different stages of their life. So I immersed myself in my children’s activities. It was during this time that I discovered an amazing group of women who loved me unconditionally, supported me, even when I didn’t ask, and helped me to remember that I wasn’t just a mom – I was a person who deserved her own life. These three ladies quickly became my best friends
First, there was Kitty, who traveled the world and loved to share the things she learned with the people around her. Kitty was the type of woman who makes life fun and helps to keep you young. We met at an adult Girl Scouting event and bonded over our love of travel.
The second woman in my friend group was Megan. She had children around the same age as my own. We spent time together, and our children became best friends too. Megan was the type of person who commanded attention when she walked into the room. Her outgoing personality made her so much fun to be around! We had sleepovers, went on family trips, and just enjoyed time together.
We also met through Girl Scouts. We had children in both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. And our friendship was greatly impacted by the fact that our children got along so well.
The third woman in our friendship group was the amazing Hope.
Hope you had daughters around the age of Megan and me. Her daughters were both married and living out of state. She was a little sad and lonely. I think that hanging out with us helped her to heal her heart when she missed them. Hope and I also met through Girl Scouting. We discovered how much we have in common and really enjoy each other‘s company.
After a few years, Kitty's husband was transferred to a different state. It was the beginning of the end of our circle. We still met up every few years, but Kitty's life became more adventurous, and she started traveling even more. I do stay in touch with her and follow her adventures through social media. But oh how I miss our training trips, our work visits, and our gab sessions!
Once our children got older and their lives were focused on other activities, make it, Megan and I eventually moved onto our own adventures. We often talk about getting together, but life always seems to get in the way of our visits.
Hope is still around and we make an effort to at least talk on the phone a few times per month.
But Hope and I both have medical issues that have kept us from doing much socializing. I really miss the time we spent together, but the friendship we built is still there. Maybe someday my health will get better so I can start socializing with her again.
This is the story of my best friends through the years. I know that I didn’t include my husband in the story. Although he is and always will be my very best friend, I thought this story needed to be about the people outside of my family, who love me and supported me throughout the years.