The New Normal
You are mentally and physically exhausted from everything going on in your life right now. You are so tired of all these new rules and you just want to be normal again. But was your old normal really something you want to go back to? We tend to forget all the complaining about spending too much time at the baseball field or there was yet another meeting you have to attend that could have happened in an email. Is that the normal you want to go back to?
My guess is that you are missing the connection to other people. You crave adult conversation. You can’t wait to see family members and hug them, but do you want the drama that comes with them? Probably not.
Look at the life you are missing right now. Figure out what you are missing about that life and find ways to fill that void with things that bring you happiness. Instead of that PTA meeting, have a lunch date with a friend (even if it’s on Zoom.) There are ways to make your new normal even better than the pre-pandemic normal. You just have to be willing to find a new solution for missing that connection.

You Can Do It!
You have dreams. You worked so hard making your dreams a reality and all of a sudden something unexpected happens (illness, death, world-wide pandemic. ) All of that work seems to be for nothing! You are discouraged and don’t see how you could possibly continue working to make your dreams come true. Come on, people are sick and dying all over the world. Who do you think you are? So, you give up and let it go.
Do you know that you are allowed to go for your dreams? You are allowed to continue on with your life no matter what’s going on in the world. Your goals may need tweaked, but you don’t have to let them go. Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t let the world dictate who you are or what difference you will make in the world. You get to choose what makes you happy! Find a way to make it happen and go for it!

The Walls You Built
You spent the last few decades taking care of everyone else and allowed your dreams to be put on hold. You’d like to move on, but…(insert excuse here). These excuses are the walls you built to keep you safe from fear and failure. Now is the time to break free from the safety of those walls and do the things you’ve always wanted to do!
Not sure how to do that? Schedule a free consultation and I will talk to you about your dreams, your goals, and the steps you need to take to make your dreams a reality!

Make t Happen
When you feel like everything you do is wrong or that you will let someone down no matter what action you take, you are giving your power away. This isn’t healthy for you and it gives someone else control over what you do and say. Instead, stand up and make sure your voice is heard. You have great ideas. Don’t allow anyone to put you in a place they think you should be. Show them where you belong. You are not responsible for other people’s feelings, opinions, or actions. Take back your power. Be the strong person you were always meant to be!

Believe In Yourself
You want more for your life, you’re just not sure how to do that. You have been told to dream big in order to make your dreams a reality. That’s great advice! However, in order for those dreams to become a reality, you have to turn them into goals.
What’s the difference between dreams and goals? A dream is when you wish for something. A goal is when you make a plan and take action to make it happen.
Stop wishing for things to happen to you and start working towards making them happen for you. Believe in yourself. You’ve got this!