You Can Do It!

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You have these dreams, these goals, and these plans in order and you can’t wait to get started making the changes necessary in your life.  You put in the work and your excitement is building and then something happens to derail your progress.  Don’t give up!  This is the part where you keep moving forward and push past the obstacles that are thrown at you. 


Now you’re asking who this woman thinks she is and there’s no way she could possibly know what you’re going through.  Right? 



When my children were young, I was a supermom.  I could (and did) do everything!  I cooked, cleaned, baked, crafted, sewed clothes for my kids, lead a Girl Scout troop, was a room mom, volunteered anywhere the school needed me (even the cafeteria) and  helped with the sports teams.  I had it all and I was happy! 


Then I had an accident where I was electrocuted.  The electrocution affected my nervous system and I had trouble with my left arm and my left leg.  This accident took away my independence and I was in constant pain. 


I had so many doctor appointments, therapy sessions, and counseling for the PTSD that I had to cut back on the amount of activities I did with my children.  I was at an all-time low.  My children had to learn to help me and I was not okay with that.  I felt like a burden to everyone I loved.  I felt like I was letting everyone down. 

Then came the side effect from all the medications they put me on.  I started having seizures, memory loss, and even went blind for a year.  If I thought I was a burden before, this was so much worse!

Dreams?  I had dreams, but there was no way I could ever make them a reality!  I couldn’t even take care of myself, how could I go for my dreams? 


I stumbled upon something called a life coach.  Sure, I heard of these before, but weren’t they just hippies trying to get in touch with their feelings?  I didn’t need to hug a tree or dance under the moon.  I just wanted my life back! 


A friend told me about a program that one of these life coaches was offering.  I read through her advertisement and decided that it couldn’t hurt.  The worst that could happen is that I would lose a little money and know that life coaching wasn’t going to work for me.  So, I signed up.


I immediately felt at home with the people in her group.  We became fast friends and event felt like family!  Life coaching made such a big difference in my life that I decided to take classes and become a life coach too! 


When I started coaching, I realized that the dreams I was chasing before were staring me in the face now.  If I wanted to make a difference in the world, I had to make a move and put in the work to become a great life coach. 


I am once again making a difference in the world.  I feel like superwoman again.  I  have it all and I am happy for the first time in almost two decades! 


This happened because I took a chance and worked to make it happen.  If you have a dream, take a chance and go for it.  Your future is on the other side of that first step! 

You can… 

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

The New Normal


The Walls You Built