Evaluate And Keep Going
Have you ever worked so hard on a project and felt like it was never going to be completed?
We tend to put in the effort at the beginning of a project but then we start to think it’s too hard and wonder if we can even do it at all.
It’s okay to have these thoughts.
It’s okay to feel these feelings.
Then you have to let them go so that you can keep going.
How do you keep going when it feels like you have already failed?
Step back from the project. Do something else for a while to give your brain some time to reevaluate the situation.
Think about the time and effort you have already put into this project. Celebrate the things you accomplished so far. This will give you a clearer picture of your investment and help you determine if completing the project is what you really want to do.
List the steps you have to take to complete this project.
Prioritize the steps. Which steps need done right away? Which ones can wait?
You know your priorities, you have the steps it take to get there, the last part is to keep moving forward. You can do this. Keep moving forward.