Love Building

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When was the last time you dated your spouse?  Yes, you should still be dating them.  Dating is important because it gives you opportunities to have fun, laugh, bond, and even try something new.  Not sure what to do on your dates?  That’s easy.  Download my  free guidebook to 86 Date Night Ideas.

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Is every misunderstanding turning into an argument? Do you and your spouse not fight fair? Do you know that you can have a discussion with your partner without it turning into a big deal?

Don’t talk while you’re angry, instead schedule a discussion for later. Talk to them with love and don’t accuse them or belittle them. Be respectful, listen, and remember that you love this person.

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Are you spending too much or too little time with your spouse lately? Are you getting more frustrated with them as the days go on? How do you deal with that? Do you go running to your friends or family? Do you complain on social media?

Imagine you were scrolling through social media and saw a post from your spouse complaining about something you did or did not do. How would that make you feel? Think about it. If you wouldn’t want them saying bad things about you, why would you do that to them?

Instead, build them up. Say the nice things. If you say them over and over again, you start to believe it. So the next time you are frustrated, think about the good things they do or the ways the make you feel good. And when you talk about them, build them up, don’t tear them down. Your relationship and your spouse deserve to be treated with love and respect.

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The honeymoon doesn’t have to be over. You can live in bliss for the rest of your life. It just takes a strong foundation and the willingness of both parties to put effort into making our relationship a success.

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To have a strong relationship, you have to build a strong foundation of love, trust and respect. It’s so easy to let life get in the way of your relationship. Do not allow this to happen. Make sure to communicate with your spouse every day. What do you talk about? Talk about your day, about your plans, and about your feelings.

Once every week you should hold a weekly meeting to check in with your spouse. If you would like a free copy of my marriage meeting guide, go to

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A date…what’s that? Do you remember dates? That’s when you and your spouse spend time doing things together. While the kids were growing up, while you were working on your career, while you were running from practice to recital to play date, while you were taking care of everyone else, did you remember to make your relationship a priority, too? Too often we forget to include our relationship in our daily activities.

Today I want you to talk to your spouse and pick something you want to do together. Write it on your calendar as soon as you figure out what you want to do. Do not write “date night” – instead come up with a cute name for the activity and include the time. Make it a priority. It’s on the schedule so now it’s an important appointment. Do not cancel this appointment because the cancellation fee could be way more expensive than you imagine!

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Have you and your spouse travelled in different directions for so long you are having trouble finding each other again? Now is the time to review what is and what is not working in your relationship. Make the changes you need so that you can both feel seen, heard, and supported.

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Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

Family Achievements


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