Family Achievements

March 5 - Family Celebration.png


Your child gets an A on her homework or your husband makes it home from work before the kids are asleep. How do you celebrate those things? Order a pizza, make a banner, bake a cake, or pick your favorite way to celebrate as a family.

There is no wrong answer here. Have fun as a family. Celebrate wins and losses. Celebrate big and small things. Make memories and help them learn. Family is important. As the parent you are responsible for making sure these children learn to become independent and allow them to figure out the solutions to solve the problems caused by the messes they made.

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march 4 - Learn From Your Mistakes.png


Celebrating their wins is a great way to boost their self-esteem. However, it’s important to remember to celebrate their failures too. Failure is not a bad thing. Failure is a stepping stone to better things as long as you remember to learn from the mistakes you made.

Some time today ask your children what they failed at. But remember to ask them what they learned from the experience and what they will do to make it better the next time. This is how you learn from your mistakes. It’s an important lesson for each and every one of us to learn.

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When I think back to all the years of helping with laundry, learning to cook and clean, and watching the siblings and cousins, I realize that I was given a gift. These adults taught me to take care of myself, my home, and my family. What a great gift!

Allow your child to make mistakes. Make these mistakes a teaching moment and ask your child what they learned from the mistakes they made. Ask what they will do differently the next time. Teach your children to become self-sufficient and learn to solve problems on their own. This is a skill everyone should have! What a gift!

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Your father went back to school, your mother got a promotion, your spouse put his dishes in the dishwasher, or your child learned to tie her shoes. These are all accomplishments that should be celebrated. Everybody wants a pat on the back once in a while.

Even when people think they don’t want you to show appreciation and to celebrate them, deep down inside they usually do. Most of the time when people tell you they don’t want you to make a big deal, it’s because they don’t want to bother you or they don’t think they’re worth the effort.

Make sure your family knows they are worth the effort. Make sure they know you are proud of their accomplishments – even the small ones!

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March 1 - be Proud.png


You work hard and spend all this time trying to accomplish your goals and nobody even notices. You wish someone would pat you on the back and tell you that you did a good job. I mean, a parade would be nice, but you’d settle for a “way to go!”

Yes, I know that we should not care what other people think about us, but the truth is that we do. So, if you’re feeling this way, so will your family. Be for them what you want them to be for you. Congratulate them, celebrate them, and make sure they know you’re proud of their achievements.

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feb 28 - Celebrate Them!.png


Celebrating the victories is a good way to have your child learn to set goals, achieve them, and support other people. This teaches them to be responsible for themselves and to encourage others to follow their dreams.

Pick one day each month to celebrate the wins and losses of each family member. Plan a celebration of that person. Giving each person their own day. Having their own day will make them feel special and give them more of a reason to make sure they have something to celebrate.

What one action can you take right now to encourage your family to do what they love? How will you celebrate their accomplishments when their goals are reached?

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feb 27 - celebrate their wins.png


It’s so important to feel like the people you love have your back. When you do something great, you need to know they will be there cheering you on. When you make mistakes, you need to know they won’t lecture you, but allow you to learn from those mistakes.

As a parent, your job is to teach your child to become so independent that you can stand back and know they can handle whatever is thrown at them. Celebrate their victories and help them see the positive in their failures. Celebrate their wins and their failures the way you would want someone to celebrate yours.

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Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

Strength And Support


Love Building