Gratitude Sparks Joy
At the end of the day, have no excuses and no regrets.
What has been keeping you from doing what you wanted to do?
Why have you allowed it to get in your way
When do you want to do it?
What’s stopping you again?
Every answer to the questions above is an excuse as to why you aren’t doing it.
Remember, you won’t have regrets if you stop making excuses and just do the things you set out to do.
Gratitude is the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.
When you feel gratitude, you send positive energy into every aspect of your life. It brightens your smile, changes your mood, and relieves your stress.
Feel the gratitude and change your life!
Remember that what you have now was once on the list of things you hoped to have.
Do you remember that list you made of all the things you wanted for your birthday?
Do you remember the thing on that list you wanted so badly? You know the one – it was highlighted with stars around it. You just couldn’t imagine your life without that thing!
Where is it now?
Remember that newer is not always better. Did you ever hear the phrase, “They just don’t make it like that anymore!”
Don’t be so quick to move on to the next best thing. Appreciate what you have because you never know if the next best thing really is better.
Gratitude is the world’s most beautiful language.
My friends and I were in an airport waiting for our plane. A big storm was coming through and a few of the planes were being delayed.
A woman was standing in the airport totally alone and didn’t speak English. She had no idea what they were saying. My friend walked over to her and did her best charades moves to explain to the poor lady that her plane would be delayed for a few hours.
All of a sudden the woman’s face brightened up and she had the biggest smile on her face. She understood what was happening and didn’t feel frightened anymore. Her smile and happy tears were the best thank you she could have ever given.
Appreciation never goes out of style.
Gratitude helps to see what is there - instead of what isn’t.
If all you see are the bad things that are happening in your life, your mind is going to stay stuck on the bad things. In order to be happy, you have to allow your brain to see the good things in your life.
I was playing with my dog and she jumped on my foot. I have been in a boot for months. The boot is hot, my foot hurts, and there are so many things I can’t do right now. If I allow these thoughts to stay in my mind, I am going to live in my own pity party.
So, I change my thinking. I got to play with my dog. I have time to sit in front of the fan and catch up on my reading and tv programs. I get to do all the things I can’t do in regular life.
Life is awesome! Nothing changed except my perspective.
There’s always something to be grateful for.
Have you ever heard of The Glad Game from the movie Pollyanna?
You can always find something to be glad about in every situation in your life. When you encounter a situation that isn’t ideal, think of one thing about it that makes you glad.
To reinforce the message of your glad comments, try saying them out loud.
Showing gratitude is one of the most powerful things we can do for each other.
Gratitude helps people feel more positive which makes them appreciate their experiences and build stronger relationships.
What have you done recently to show your appreciation for someone or something?
Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else’s fairytale. Be thankful for what you have!
Right now you may be thinking that there is no way someone would ever want to live your life. It’s just way too hard being you! You put in so much work and it’s far from perfect.
However, you never know who is watching you live your life, suffering way more than you ever thought possible, and just want a life like yours.
To them, your life may really be everything they ever imagined life could be!
Decide that no matter what comes your way, you will find a grateful heart.
This one really seems to throw people. How in the world could you tell me to be grateful that these bad things are happening to me?
My answer isn’t a positive one. My answer is that things could always be worse. Nobody has a perfect life. Perfection does not exist.
So what if your foot is broken, you have another foot. Some people don’t have any feet. I am grateful that I have two feet – even if one of them is broken.
That, my friends, is gratitude!
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Hang in there.
Your life is amazing!
You just have to allow it to be!