Through the Eyes of a Child
The greatest gift you can offer a child is to love them unconditionally.
Children need both words and actions. They see everything and need to know that no matter how badly they mess up, you will always love them.
Hug your child and tell them that they are important. You may never know the lasting impression that one act will have on them.
One of the best gifts you can give a child is a few moments of your time each day.
You find at least five minutes to scroll through social media every day. Take five minutes to ask your child about their day.
Listen to them. Don’t interrupt them. Don’t forget to end with a hug or a kind word.
This is how memories are made.
There is no perfect way to be a parent. What matters is that you love your child unconditionally.
Some parents search their entire lives for a way to be perfect. Know that perfection is a myth.
The grass isn’t greener in the neighbor’s yard. Everybody has struggles that nobody knows about.
Give yourself a break. Do your best to love your child and everything else will fall into place.
Teach your child to reach for the stars. But make sure they know you will love them no matter where they land.
Giving your child freedom to be who they are (with boundaries) is one of the healthiest things you can do for them. Just makes sure that once they start on their own path, you will be there for them whether they succeed or fail.
Remember, failure is a way to learn and it means you are trying in the first place.
Gift your child with the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
Every child needs to learn to be responsible for what they do and what they say. They need to be responsible for their belongings and to learn skills for their future.
Once they learn the responsibility, you have to let them keep trying, even if they fail. Watching your child fail is hard as a parent; but allowing them to fail teaches them to figure out how to come to a solution on their own. This will serve them well as they grow.
Always show your children the kind of person you want them to be.
Children watch everything you do, they hear the words you say, they pick up your tone of voice, and mimic everything.
Be aware of your words and your actions because what they see is who they will become. Be kind, speak with wisdom, show love, and be conscious of yourself and the people that surround your child.
We can find heaven through the hands of a child.
Children see things differently than adults do. They haven’t been tainted by prejudice or resentment. They see everything through the eyes of love. Imagine living your life with the love and innocence of a child. How beautiful would that be?
Today I challenge you to look around you with kid-colored glasses. Look at your problems with the innocence and grace of a child.
The difference you make in the everyday life of a child is how you will be remembered in history.
When you make a difference in the life of a child, it can affect their whole future!
They may not remember it was you that made the difference, they may not remember the details; but they will remember the actions - which will stay with them their entire life.
You get to decide how they remember you. Make it count.
Children are a third of our population; they are all of our future.
Children are the future.
Teach them to be good people. Teach them to be strong and independent. Teach them love and compassion.
What you teach them now will reflect in their actions later.
To be in your child’s memories tomorrow, you need to be present in their lives today.
How do you want your child to remember you? What do you want them to remember?
Make memories with them. Be a part of their lives. Be present: put down the phone and play with them. Correct their mistakes by teaching them, not screaming at them.
The way you interact with your children is how they will remember their childhood. All children deserve happy memories!