Get Your Priorities Straight!
When you feel like the world is closing in around you, it’s important to look at the things you have made your priorities.
Are these “priorities” something that needs to be done right away or can it wait until a different time?
Are these “priorities” something that you have to do or can they be delegated to someone else?
Know what tasks you can delegate and which have to be done by you. It’s important to know that giving up control of the situation can be scary, but can save you time, effort, and even your sanity.
Breathe. It’s going to be okay!
Have you ever felt like your illness is taking over every aspect of your life?
Me too!
For those of you who don't know, I was electrocuted in 2003 - which left me handicapped. The treatments and medications I have had to endure over the years caused many other issues and illnesses.
I realized I was living moment to moment - just trying to make it through the day.
Time was slipping right past me. Days turned into week, months, years, and even decades. My life was stuck in a pattern of putting in four times the effort for a quarter of the results.
One day I signed up for a time management challenge. This amazing group of women taught me that I needed to figure out my priorities.
I learned to break down my day into chunks of time and figure out which tasks were essential, not essential, needed completed now, and which could wait until later, be delegated, or just scratched off the list.
Once I put my tasks into these lists, I was surprised by the types of things I have been prioritizing! I saw that I was making more work for myself by adding tasks that weren't important and didn't really need completed.
I'm not telling you that I have it all together now. But I am getting better at figuring out what I need to focus on and what can wait.
If this is something you'd like help with, schedule a FREE chat with me now by clicking the button below!
Make a schedule, they said.
It will help you get more done, they said.
But now you're stuck with a whole calendar full of things you "have to" complete, yet there's not enough hours in the day to get it all done.
You are frustrated and can't seem to figure out how to dig yourself out of this hole you've created.
What can you do?
As Stephen Covey said, "The key is not to prioritize your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."
But, what does that mean?
It doesn't mean that you should stop adding things to your calendar. You put them on there for a reason and need to find a way to deal with them.
What it DOES mean is that you need to figure out what your priorities are.
6 Steps to Prioritize Your Schedule:
At the end of your work day (or before you close your computer at night), look at your schedule. We do this in the evening so that we can gather any materials necessary to start working first thing in the morning.
What are the three things on this schedule that you would feel most accomplished if you completed it today? These are your top 3 priorities of the day and should be completed first.
Look at the remainder of the tasks on your schedule for the day to figure out how important they are and make a plan to complete them or let them go.
Is there something on that list that can be delegated to someone else? If so, delegate it.
Is there something on that list that doesn't really need done? You can either decide to let it go or move it to a "fill-in" list. This list is a separate "to Do" list that will be assigned by the amount of time it will take to complete the task. We will talk about that at a later date.
Then you need remember to celebrate if you completed the top three priorities of the day. Anything else you complete off that list will be a BONUS!
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You have just learned the basics of prioritizing your schedule.
This technique has helped me get through the hardest tasks on my schedule. Let me know how it's working for you.
If you would like some help getting started in this process, press the button below and schedule a FREE consultation with me.
The Priority Matrix
What is a Priority Matrix?
Why do you need one?
How do you use it?
A priority matrix is a time management tool that will help you figure out which of your tasks are a priority and which need to be delegated or figured out later.
We have all been a victim of those overwhelming days when there are more projects to do than hours you have available. And it's easy to get stuck there. The problem is that ignoring these tasks isn't going to make them go away. The truth is that the more you ignore tasks, the more tasks you'll have to complete later.
Instead of allowing these responsibilities to pile up and cause you to become even more overwhelmed, it's time to figure out how important they really are. That is the purpose of the Priority Matrix.
The Matrix is broken down into four different categories:
Important and Urgent - These tasks need to be completed immediately by you.
Important and Not Urgent - These are important tasks that can wait a little bit.
Not Important and Urgent - These are the tasks that need done immediately and can be delegated to someone else.
Not Important and Not Urgent - These tasks are not important and can either wait to be done later or you can let go of them.
How does this work?
Gather a list of tasks you believe need to be completed.
Look over that list and figure out one-by-one which of the four categories it can be put into. And list it in that category.
Start with the "Not Important and Urgent" list.
Delegate these tasks to someone else.
Follow up with them periodically to make sure they get completed.
Make sure that you tell these people that it is urgent and needs done by (whatever deadline you give them.
Then move on to the "Important and Urgent" tasks. These are the tasks that need to be completed right away.
You should be the one to complete these.
They are your priorities and should be your main focus.
The tasks in the "Important and Not Urgent" list are the ones you need to have done, but it isn't essential that they are completed right away.
That leaves the "Not Important and Not Urgent" list for last. These tasks don't need completed right away and can either wait for a different day or just let them go and move on.
You can download your own FREE copy of a Priority Matrix by clicking the button below.
Go Hydrate Yourself!
One of the greatest priorities you can establish for yourself is drinking enough water.
Why is that so important?
Your body is made up primarily of water and, like a gas tank, if your water level is low, your body will not properly function. Even your joints need to stay lubricated in order to work properly.
When it comes to drinking water, the population is mixed. I have heard so many excuses about why people don’t drink water.
Here are some tips to get you drinking more water:
If you don't like the taste of water, add a few slices of your favorite fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Or buy a water filter to filter that water.
Get a water bottle that fits your personality. Is it pretty? Does it function well for you?
Adapt the water bottle to fit your needs. (Add a carrier or a carabiner to help you carry it, put marks on your bottle to remind you to drink, decorate the water bottle to make it your own.)
Keep your water bottles in a place that's easy to grab.
Set a reminder on your phone to drink water.
Drinking a glass of water before you even get out of bed in the morning will get you started on your water intake and you'll be ahead of the game!
How do you know how much water to drink?
One of the best ways to know how much water your body needs is to use this formula:
Divide your weight in half. What is that number? That number is the minimum amount of ounces you will need to drink every day.
If you weigh 140 pounds, you will need to drink at least 70 ounces of water every day.
If you're 220 pounds, you will need to drink at least 110 ounces of water daily.
One of the easiest ways to know you are hydrated enough is to examine the color of your urine. The lighter the color, the more hydrated you are. You want your urine to look more like lemonade and less like apple juice.
Get yourself a glass of water right now and have a healthy and pain-free day!
For those of you who don't know, I was electrocuted in 2003 - which left me handicapped. The treatments and medications I have had to endure over the years caused many other issues and illnesses. I realized I was living moment to moment - just trying to make it through the day.
Time was slipping right past me.
Days turned into week, months, years, and even decades. My life was stuck in a pattern of putting in four times the effort for a quarter of the results.
One day I signed up for a time management challenge. This amazing group of women taught me that I needed to figure out my priorities.
I learned to break down my day into chunks of time and figure out which tasks were essential, not essential, needed completed now, and which could wait until later, be delegated, or just scratched off the list.
Once I put my tasks into these lists, I was surprised by the types of things I have been prioritizing.
I saw that I was making more work for myself by adding tasks that weren't important and didn't really need completed.
I'm not telling you that I have it all together now. But I am getting better at figuring out what I need to focus on and what can wait.
If this is something you'd like help with, schedule a FREE chat with me now by clicking the button below.
Figuring out your priorities can be a hard thing to do. However, once you know what your priorities are, it's time to figure out how to manage your time so that you can get the priorities completed.
10 Tips to Manage Your Time:
Stop Multitasking - Contrary to what I was told all through the 80's and 90's, you do NOT have to be superwoman!
Although multitasking can help you do more things at one time, it does not guarantee that you will complete these items or that they will be done correctly.
You have a better chance of not having to redo these tasks if you focus and take the time needed to make sure it's done properly.
Get Organized - Find a place to put your schedule or list your tasks. Use a calendar, an app, an organizer, or even a dry erase board on your fridge.
Just write it down and make sure to put it in a place you will see it often throughout the day.
Figure Out Your Priorities - Make a priority list. (You can use the Priority Matrix I posted on October 11, 2022.)
Once you know what your priorities are, it will be so much easier to figure out what should be on your to do list, what can be delegated, and what can wait until later.
Set "Take Action" Reminders - Set reminders on your phone to tell you what needs completed today.
Some people have found it helpful to have their devices announce that they need to change the laundry in an hour or their meeting starts in ten minutes. But you can also remind yourself to take your pills, walk the dog, or anything else that you need done that day.
It can be helpful to have that reminder during the day. However, please also remember not to stress if you don't get to something on your list. We are trying to make life easier, not cause more issues.
Make a "Stop Doing" List - This is a hard one. Sometimes when you are getting ready for bed, you look back on your day and wonder where all the time went. Instead of wondering, sit down and figure it out.
Look at the things you do that aren't productive and do not help you mentally, emotionally, or physically.
You may find that you now have habits like:
"Mindlessly scrolling on social media"
"Sitting in front of the tv"
"Playing games on my phone"
These habits could be taking up most of your day.
How is this helping you?
Put it on a list of things you need to stop doing or put a limit on the amount of time you will allow yourself to do these things.
Check Your Emails Only Two Times Per Day - Most people find themselves checking their email every time they see their phone. This takes a lot of time that could be spent somewhere else.
Pick two times of the day to check your email.
The most optimal times are:
Once in the morning - so that you can make plans and have time to respond, if necessary.
Once in the afternoon or evening - so that you can close out the day and leave your evenings to do something less stressful.
Focus On Your Top 3 Priorities - When you focus on your top priorities, there will be more of a chance you will complete them.
Know that once these priorities are completed, you have done the most important work of the day and that should be celebrated. Anything you do after this is a BONUS!
Take Breaks and Recharge - It's so easy to get on a roll and just keep going. However, your body and your brain need you to take breaks so that you can recharge.
In order to have the energy to do anything, you need to give your body a break to find that energy.
Tips To Help You Recharge:
Stand up and walk around the room.
Go outdoors and breathe in the fresh air.
Meditating for a few minutes will help you recharge.
Plan Your Day - Once you know what your priorities are, make a plan of action. Figure out:
The steps you need to take to complete those tasks and how long it will take you to complete these tasks.
Which tasks need done and what part of the day you will dedicate to working on it.
Celebrate The Tasks You Have Completed - Celebrate? You have so much to do that you're looking for help managing your time and I'm telling you to make the time to celebrate what you've done!
Am I nuts?
But, I'm not talking about shutting down the town for a big party or making it a national holiday.
What I am saying is to celebrate your wins:
Make up a dance
Sing a song
Have a cookie
Do something that makes you feel good about your accomplishments.
I know this seems like a lot of things to add to your list. But if you keep it up, it will become a habit - something you do that you don't even have to think about.
It gets easier and you get your time back. That sounds like a win/win situation to me!
Have a healthy and pain-free day!