Start Now
You sit there looking at a blank computer screen waiting for inspiration. You are so focused on the due date that your mind is totally blank. What do you do?
Your project is due on Friday and you aren’t sure you can pull it off. Finishing on time seems impossible and you are so stressed out!
How are you supposed to focus if your mind is full of doubt?
Put the pen down. Walk away from the computer. Play your favorite play list and sing and dance. Let go of everything in your mind and just move to the beat of the music. Shake your groove thing, wiggle your fingers, and do whatever helps you clear the stress from your brain and your body. Taking a break will help you let go of the stress and open you up so you can focus.
Once you have danced your overwhelm away, pick up your pen and write down three things you need to get done. Which of those things is the most important and needs done right now? Could you finish it today? If not, break it down into smaller steps that you could achieve in ten minutes’ time. Give each step a deadline to be completed. Make sure that the deadline is achievable.
Now get to work on completing those tasks. Don’t wait. Start right now.
Once that task has been completed, celebrate that you have completed it. It doesn’t need to be a big celebration. Yell, “Yay!”, have a cup of coffee, dance again, or do something small to celebrate.
Here’s the important part. Ready?
You’ve completed the first step. You proved that you can do it. Keep moving forward and before you know it your entire project will be done!