Next Step
Having dreams and making plans has become a common practice in today’s society. The problem comes when we make so many plans and get overwhelmed. The secret to achieving your goals is to get up and do something.
I get it. I’m a list maker. I like to have a plan in place, too. But, if you make your lists and take no actions, they become dreams instead of goals.
Look at your to do lists and give them a deadline. Does it feel achievable? Are you overwhelmed by the number of things on your to do list?
Look at your list again. What is the mot important thing on your list? Do that first. Making something a priority and giving it a deadline helps us to hold ourselves accountable for our own goals.
Don’t jump from project to project. Focus on achieving one goal. This lessens the overwhelm and helps you knock out one small step at a time.
Stop and celebrate that you completed something. Then ask yourself, “What is my next step?”