Keep Going

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When was the last time goal you accomplished for yourself?  Spending the last year dealing with a worldwide pandemic has either given you direction to achieve your goals or given you so much stress that you feel overwhelmed just by hearing the word goals.


Like most of us, you were excited to have some time to work on the things you wanted to get done.  But spending time locked in a house with the people you love has been more of a challenge than you thought possible.


Stress is building.  Tempers are rising.  When did these people become so needy?  When did I become so weak?


Good news!  You get to choose  the projects you work on.  You get to choose what you complete and what you let go.  You have a choice about how you spend your day and what goals you will and will not achieve.  Of course, there may be consequences if you don’t complete the project, but it is your choice.


Keep working on your goals.  Keep achieving your tasks.  Keep moving forward.

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

Believe You Can


Move Forward