My Perfect Life

My Perfect Life

WRITING PROMPT - Write about your perfect life.  Describe:

  • Where you will be.

  • What you’ll be doing.

  • Who will be with you.

  • When do you think it will be possible.

  • Why you think it’s the perfect life. 

BONUS CHALLENGE - What are you going to do today to start making your perfect life of reality?

My perfect life includes living with my amazing husband. Both of us are happy and healthy. We live in a house by a lake with lake access. Our children and their families live close enough that we could see them every day, but far enough away to give us the privacy we all need.

In my perfect life, Bob gets to retire and spend his time traveling with me. Money is not an obstacle anymore, because we have enough money to give us the life we truly want to live.

In this perfect life, we also have a beach house that we can go to at any time we want. Vacations are easy because our life is one giant vacation. Our life is happy because the stress is gone and I get to live with Vacation Bob. He’s free of responsibilities and can concentrate on relaxation and happiness. 

Cars breaking down is no longer a problem for us. All of our clothes are new enough and sturdy enough to do what we need them to do. We don’t need a lavish lifestyle or to try to keep up with the Kardashians. I just want to be comfortable and not have to worry anymore.

Our mountain home is big enough for the grand-babies to stay when they can, but small enough that Bob and I can be comfortable taking care of it, with each of us having our own spaces to decompress.

I think this is the perfect life, because it includes the people I love, comfort, peace, and happiness. That’s what life is all about.

I have spent the last 30+ years getting Bob out of his comfort zone and going camping. I’ve been teaching him about campfires, cooking, and animal safety. He’s learning so much, and may even be enjoying it a little!

My first step was to get him comfortable in a situation like that. We are going to keep trying to show him what that nature life can be like.

To help make these things a possibility, I will need to stop being sick and make my business thrive whether I’m working on it or not. Also, I can start decluttering my house and live more minimally. That lifestyle change would alleviate all the busy work I’m doing around my house and give me more time to appreciate my family and my surroundings.

These are the things that would make my life even more perfect than they already are!

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

My Gratitude


My Dream Vacation