My Happy Song
My Happy Song
JOURNAL PROMPT - Write about a song that really moved you. Did it make you happy? Did it make you sad? Why do you think it made you feel that way? Describe your experience.
BONUS CHALLENGE - Write about the one song that can really pick you up when you’re feeling down. Play that song while you write and describe the changes you feel in your body.
Have you ever turned on the radio and the perfect song just happened to be playing? You know the song; it makes you stop what you’re doing and sign along at the top of your voice (and maybe even shake your tail feathers a little.)
One day my illness flared so badly, and it just kept getting worse and worse. I felt like weight was being dumped on top of my head, and I could barely breathe or move. Just as I thought it was easing up a little, a different pain showed up and left me unable to do even more of the things I was so excited to do that day. I was frustrated and not being able to check off my to do list really crushed my soul! Where was I going to find the strength to move past my issues and pain so that I could take back my life? Today was supposed to be that day and these stupid illnesses ruined it all!
I decided to take a shower to try to loosen my muscles a little. Who knows, maybe I could relax them enough to be able to enjoy at least part of my day. I wanted to be hopeful, but all I felt was discouraged.
I turned on some music and got into the shower. Before my foot actually touched the shower floor timer, a song came on that changed my life forever!
The lady talked about words you didn’t say, about screaming out loud to be heard, and that the song was her fight song. She was going to be strong and not care if anyone else believes in her.
Wait! Did she just say she was going to take back for life? That’s exactly what I need to do!
This song quickly became my meditation song, my motivation song, and the song I listened to when I was feeling defeated.
When I sing the words to Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song”, I feel empowered. I feel heard. I feel like I’m not alone anymore because someone understands me and knows what I’m going through.
I’m tired of living my life the way people think I should and I will not allow my illness to dictate my life anymore. If Rachel Platten can do this, why couldn’t I?
Instead, I will play Rachel’s “Fight Song,” I will remind myself to keep going, keep fighting, and not to give up. I will play the song to remember that I have a voice and I deserve to be heard.
I will play this song to prove that, as long as I’m breathing, I’m in charge of how I feel and what I do. I will no longer allow others to treat me like I’m a burden. I have a voice and I’m going to use it!
BONUS CHALLENGE - When I played “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten, I felt my shoulders relax and move down - away from my ears.
Then she sang the words “this is my fight song…“ and I felt butterflies in my stomach and jolts energy moving in waves throughout my body.
This song reminds me that I am still alive and it gives me hope that I can move past the disabilities caused by my illnesses. The words remind me that I’m worth it and that if people don’t believe in me, that’s their issue! I believe in myself and, in my head, Rachel Platten believes in me, too!