Let Go and Fly

Don’t let your dreams just be dreams.

Take the adventures.  Do what makes you happy.  Figure out where you want to go in life and do it.  You will never know what you can achieve by staying home and not taking chances.

I  have always felt drawn to make a difference in someone’s life.  I volunteered where I could and became the person my family comes to when they need something.  This felt good for a while, but I didn’t feel like I was making a difference, I sometimes felt used instead.  That wasn’t a good feeling and my dreams were being pushed aside to do things that other people could do for themselves

I learned to stand up and take back my own life.  I learned to put volunteering on the back-burner to take care of me first.  I learned to set boundaries and to say no.  I took many classes and did therapy for a while.  Then I found a life coach.  What is that?  I had to learn more.  Here’s what I found:  A therapist helps you deal with what happened in the past so they can help you find a plan to move forward.  But a life coach gives you the tools to help yourself.  She focuses on the present and guides you to figure out what you can do to get yourself where you want to be in the future.  Yes…that’s what I want to do! 

Since becoming a Life Coach, I am making that difference in other people’s lives.  I am a stronger person and I am no longer just dreaming my dreams.  I’m living them and I am so much happier!

You could find that happiness too.  What have you always dreamed of doing?  Write those dreams down and hang it somewhere you will see it every day.  Now it is a goal instead of a dream.  What is stopping you from achieving those goals?  What is the next step you need to make to achieve those goals?  Do it.  It’s that simple!


Stop listening to other people’s adventures and experience them for yourself.

We have all been there…seeing your friend’s turtle pictures in Hawaii, your cousin’s pictures of her trip to Las Vegas, your brother’s pictures of California, the cruise pictures, pictures of the pyramids, the Empire State building, the Eiffel Tower, or the gorgeous pictures of a remote beach on an island somewhere.  Oh, the places they have travelled…

You can have adventures, too.  You don’t even have to go far.  You can have a night in Paris by making French food and dress up a little.  You can virtually travel anywhere in the universe until you can travel in person.  All you need is a little imagination, a little creativity, and a few minutes to enjoy yourself.  Can’t get to the beach right now?  Put a blanket on the floor, play some music, drink a fruity drink, and put the beach on YouTube.  Ta Da – you are at the beach!

Today I challenge you to have an adventure.  Take pictures and post one here so we can all get ideas from each other.  Enjoy your adventure!


The farther you travel, the closer you are to finding yourself.

Sometimes we lose ourselves in our everyday activities for so long that we forget who we are.  Our identities change as we become a wife, a mother, an employee, a grandma, or whatever is happening in our lives right now

We spend years struggling to figure out who we are.  Just as we think we have everything figured out, our kids grow up and everything changes again.  We spend so much time trying to figure out where we fit in other people’s lives that we forget that we have a life too. 

How do we figure out our own lives?  We get away from the everyday life issues and spend time focusing on who we want to be.   Who were you before kids?  How do you want to fit into their lives now?  What do you want your future to look like?  So many of us are trying to figure this out.   


It’s easier to find these answers if you separate yourself from the stress.  To figure out your own life, you need to put their needs out of your mind and focus on yourself. 

You can’t travel right now?  Go into your back yard.  Have a picnic in the woods.  Find a quiet space somewhere and just ask yourself the questions listed above.  Write your answers in a journal without editing.  Your first thought is usually your gut instinct and it will help you.  If you’re still having issues figuring it out and would like some help, contact me at support@michellemical.com and we can discuss how I can help you figure things out.


A traveler sees everything she sees.  A tourist sees the things she travelled to see.

The difference between someone who travels and a tourist is that a tourist has an agenda and makes sure to see everything on the list.  A traveler is someone who takes in the whole experience, enjoying their time instead of just the sites.

Go out into your city and do the tourist things.  Write down what you did, where you went, and how you felt doing it.  Don’t forget to take pictures. 

Then make another trip through your city just enjoying the way the statue near the park is starting to look a little worn or the way the modern columns of the Pasquerilla Building stand out beside the old stone church across the street.  Oh my goodness, there is a food truck parked in the arena parking lot.  Try their food – maybe you found a hidden gem.  Again, write down what you did, where you went, and how you felt doing it.  And, again, don’t forget to take pictures.

Which trip through your city made you feel better about where you live?  Which made you feel more adventurous?  Which would you like to try again?  Make every outing an adventure.


See the world through new eyes.

We have all been experiencing a new way of looking at the world around us.  We are taking virtual trips, having socially distanced visits, and spending more time with our immediate family.  We are getting cranky and tired of looking at the same walls. 

How do we fix that?  We stand back, close our eyes, and take a few deep breaths.  When we open our eyes, we should look for the one thing around us that will bring us joy. 

What can you do to break the boredom and have fun in your own environment?  Is there something you’ve always wanted to try but didn’t have the time?  Do it!  Can’t find anything fun to do?  Check out YouTube.  They have so many videos that will give you ideas.  Still having trouble?  Again, look to the internet and find a video of the beach you want to visit or the national park that  you’ve always wanted to see.  Have a picnic in front of your tv or computer so that you can imagine yourself having a picnic in the place you really want to be. 

You don’t have to actually travel to see Bora Bora, there are plenty of videos that could take you there.  Make a list of the things you want to try.  Try them virtually.  Recreate the smells and use your imagination.  The world is still here for us to discover – even if we can’t do so in person. 


Magic isn’t necessary to disappear.  All you need is a destination.

How many times have you wished you could just click your heels and end up where you really want to be? We all have that one friend that just gets on a plane and goes.  Oh, to have the courage to do that…

What is stopping you from picking a destination and just going?  It doesn’t have to be far away, it just has to be away from the stress. 

We have so many opportunities to get out of the house and find adventures in our own back yard.  We have been using the excuse that we’re too busy.  Now is the time to have fun.  Today will never be here again.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enjoy the day you’ve been given.  Find what makes you happy and just do it. 


Every journey begins by taking the first step.

Some journeys are easier than others and some first steps are scary.  But you can’t go on the journey unless you take that first step.  Get out of your comfort zone and just do it. 

Could things go wrong?  Of course they could.  But you can’t let fear of the unknown hold you back from taking the steps that could change your life or your happiness.  You have been fearful long enough. 

Take a deep breath.  Don’t wait to gather your courage. Just jump in.  You never know how good it could be unless you take that first step.  Don’t spend your life wondering what could have been.


I’m not sure where I’m going but I’m on my way.

We got so lost trying to figure out where we need to be that we forget to enjoy the journey.  So many great ideas are lost because we get so caught up in the details and get overwhelmed.  Overwhelm causes fear.  Fear keeps us from moving taking the next step.

Fear doesn’t have to be a bad thing.  It’s okay to be afraid.  What’s not okay is to let that fear control your life. 

Make a list of three things you’ve always wanted to try.  Now set a deadline for yourself to try them.  Make sure one of those things can be done today so  you don’t have time to worry about the outcome. Now that you’re feeling a little braver, do your best to get the rest done by your deadline.


Travel creates space for power and love in your life.

When you travel, you create space to enjoy the life you are living.  Changing your surroundings changes your focus.  Focusing on fun elevates your mood and helps you to see the good things in your life.

A few years ago my husband took me to the beach for our anniversary.  At the same time, there was a hurricane heading up the coast.

The closer we drove towards the ocean, the darker the sky became and the harder it rained.  I tried so hard to hide my fear so that we could focus on our anniversary.  But there was a freaking hurricane heading right towards us!  Breathe.  Breathe!  BREATHE!

We didn’t get to go out onto the beach because the waves were really dangerous and the wind actually blew me across the parking lot.  But we did sit on our balcony and played games and had the deepest conversations.  We ate at a restaurant and enjoyed just being together.

When I stopped obsessing about the danger outside the door, I was able to change my focus to my husband, my marriage, and my anniversary.  This did not change the fact that a hurricane was coming.  It didn’t change the fact that we had to keep watching to make sure we were safe.  But we allowed ourselves to relax enough to enjoy our anniversary and our time away from home.  Spending time together away from the stress helped strengthen our marriage and gave us the opportunity to rediscover what we love about each other.

When was the last time just you allowed fun to happen?  When was the last time you enjoyed time away from the stress?  When was the last time you relaxed?  Take some time today to relax and enjoy your day.  Make every day fun by finding at least a few minutes every day to laugh, relax, and travel to your favorite destinations (whether in person or virtually – just have fun!)


Your wings already exist.  Just let go and fly.

Your entire childhood is spent learning new things.  You get to figure out what you like and what you don’t like.  You go to school and leave behind the safety of home.  You make friends and learn to be who you want to be. 

You can use this childhood enthusiasm as an adult.  Think about what you want to do with your life.  Where do you want to go?  Who do you want to become?  What activities would you like to do?  Why are you not doing them now?

As a child you learned to learn.  You figured out how to move past your parents’ safety bubble and have new experiences.  You made friends, played, and did what you wanted to do.  You were taught that you could be anything you wanted to be.  It can be that simple again. 

Decide what you want.  Make a simple plan and just fly.  You can do anything you set your mind to do.  So, set your mind and do it.


#LetGo  #Fly  #LiveYourDreams #HaveFun #Soulmate #TakesYourBreathAway #Home  #Balance #LetGo  #ChangeYourThoughts #YouArePowerful #MakeItTrue #CreateAdventure  #JustHaveFun #AdventurePartners #PlanAdventures #LiveLife #Dreams #TakeTheScenicTour  #MakeTodayAmazing #FamilyAdventures #ThePeopleWeLove #ShineOn #BeTheLight #MakeADifference #MakingMemories #GrowingStrong #WorthTheWork #OurFuture  #TheGrandmaGuru #MichelleMicalMotivation  #PositiveTransformation

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!


A Relatively Traditional Holiday Season


Live For The Moments That Take Your Breath Away