Enjoy Every Day

Playing is where knowledge begins.

Are you creative?  Are you a sore loser?  Are you athletic?  You can learn so much about yourself by playing[M1] . 

Make sure you take time out of every day to play and do something fun.  Life is too short to stop learning!

Stop looking for what may be ahead and start enjoying where you are now.

You have goals?  GREAT!  You want to be prepared for what’s coming?  I like to be prepared, too! 

But don’t let all the planning and waiting let you forget to enjoy today.  Today there is sunshine to enjoy, roses to smell, people to love, and a life to live. 

It’s okay to look forward to what is coming, but don’t forget to live today, too.

Do at least one thing every day to make you happy.  Savor it.  Enjoy your day!

Enjoy every moment as it comes.

This saying reminds me of a bride planning her wedding day.  All the work that goes into this one day keeps her so focused on making everything perfect.  Then comes the big day and she thinks, “This is IT?!?”  Things don’t go exactly as planned.  People don’t show up.  It only lasts a few hours. 

Don’t be a bridezilla in your life!  Addressing invitations?  Good, now you have addresses for your family.  Picking music?  Pick your favorites – and dance.  Cake tasting?  Mmmmm…cake!

Instead of freaking out, enjoy each step of the process – in every aspect of your life.  Life is too short to sweat the small stuff!

Enjoy life and see how amazing the world can be.

When you walk into a room, you can see who is enjoying life by looking at their body language.  Some people are arms folded, scowl-faced, closed-off people.  Some are lying-on-the-couch, easy-going, relaxed, life-will-happen people.  Others are focused, face-in-a-computer, getting-things-done people.  

The goal is to be the best person you can be; keeping your commitments while remembering to have fun.  What do you want your body language to tell people about you?  Consciously make those changes and start enjoying the life you have chosen.

Smile – it does great things for your life and your mood!

You only live once.  But once is enough if you do it right.

Everything in life is about the choices you make.  Don’t live with regrets.  If you have a dream, follow it.  If you want to be happy, be happy.  If you want to fix a relationship, change the way you look at the situation and figure out how YOU can change (because you can’t change another person.)

Being happy is a choice.  If you choose to be happy, you will be happy.  If you choose to look at the situation in a negative way, your life will be negative. 

Make the conscious decision to make your life better and live the way you want to live.  Make decisions not excuses! 

Be silly!

Sometimes it’s okay to just be silly.  Silly brings fun.  Fun brings happiness.  Happiness brings joy.  Joy brings fulfillment. 

Living a fulfilled life begins with a little silliness.  And that’s okay!

Do something silly today – either by yourself or spread the silliness with family and friends. 

Don’t save things for a special occasion because just being alive is a special occasion.

My husband was given an expensive bottle of brandy from the year he was born.  On his 50th birthday, he opened it up (he saved it for a “special occasion”.)   It tasted like vinegar and was completely ruined.

“Saving” things “for a special occasion” could mean that you will never get to enjoy it.  If he would have opened the bottle years ago, it would not have turned to vinegar and he could have enjoyed it.  If he needed a reason to drink it, he could have celebrated anything (even because he was alive.)

Live every day as if it were the most special occasion of your life.  Don’t save it for a special day because every day is special and the occasion you’re waiting for just may never come!

Most creativity involves purposeful play.

Some of the best artists were masters at playing with a purpose – having a vision, painting, and making revisions until it becomes a reality.  Some of the best composers played with rearranging the notes until they got the best sounds.  Some of the best teachers sit with their students and make learning fun. 

Your life can be creative, too.  You just have to figure out what you want and play until you get it right.

When was the last time you played with a purpose?

Don’t wish your days away waiting for better ones ahead.

I found myself looking forward to the vacation I take at the end of the summer.  I planned it, I packed for it, I bought new things to take with me, and I focused on this goal of relaxing and spending time away. 

This started in the winter when I was snowed in and wanted to be on vacation.  But what I didn’t realize is that I am still so excited about the vacation that I forgot that it is summer right now.  I can enjoy myself now.  I can put some of my favorite parts of that vacation into my life now and enjoy them every day.  I don’t have to “wait” my life away!

Don’t wait your life away, either.  Enjoy all of  your todays!

Life is like a popsicle.  Enjoy it before it melts.

Life is like a popsicle.  It can be sweet and cool and make us feel great!

When was the last time you had a “popsicle moment”?  What can you do to have one today?

Stay cool and enjoy those moments before they melt away!

The time you enjoy wasting is never time wasted.

Have you ever told yourself that you have way too much to do to be sitting around doing nothing? That you need a little motivation?  That you can’t just sit here wasting time?
Why not?  What you consider wasting time, your body considers resting and your mind considers recharging,  It’s okay to do nothing once in a while.  Your mind and body deserve the rest!

I challenge you to take 10 minutes every day to sit there and do nothing. Set a timer, close your eyes  and take three slow, deep breaths.  Then return your breathing to normal.   Thoughts will come to your mind.  That’s okay, just let them go.  Focus on your breathing.  Keep coming back to your breath.  (This can seem to be a waste of time, but oh, the benefits you will have to learning to still your mind for a few minutes every day.) 

Add a little confetti to each day!

My grandmother was legally blind and completely color blind.  She saw colors as black, white, and shades of gray.  She referred to them as dark and light.  But she appreciated the colors because it brought variety into her life.  She never complained about not knowing which color it was.  She appreciated the brightness and the contrast.

Confetti is messy.  Every person needs a little mess in their lives.  The trick is to look past the mess and find the brightness so you can appreciate the color and fun it brings.

It doesn’t matter whether if the glass is half empty or half full.  The glass is refillable.

When you relate the glass to your life, just remember that you are the only person in charge of filling your life with happiness.  You should not depend on anyone else to make you happy.

If your glass is half empty or half full, just fill it up.  There’s no reason you shouldn’t be the happiest version of you! 

Do something every day to fill your glass and be happy!


Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!


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