Gratitude Adjustment

Gratitude is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

Gratitude is appreciation.

When you learn to appreciate everything about your life, you learn to appreciate your life itself. Keep practicing and you will keep getting stronger!

Choose to be grateful: no matter what.

Not every situation makes you feel thankful.  However, when you change your thoughts and focus on being grateful, it could change your entire world! 

Being thankful brings happiness. Being happy attracts more happiness to your life.

Be grateful, be happy, and change your world!

Happiness is found when you act with kindness but don’t expect gratitude.

Acts of kindness come from the heart.   You can’t find happiness if you only do things with the expectation that you will get something in return – expectations don’t really come from your heart. 

Help one person today without expecting anything in return. 

Open your heart and find your happiness – it’s waiting for you!

Everything is a miracle through the eyes of gratitude.

Feeling and showing gratitude can influence your perspective on the world around you.  You can see the same situation from different viewpoints. For example – A dog is barking.  You can either think, “Oh, shut up already!” or you could think, “I wonder what he’s trying to tell me.”  Either way, the dog is barking.  It’s all in the way you look at situation. 

If you think that everything is a miracle, things will feel like a miracle. 

Choose to see the good and you choose to be happy.

Gratitude makes sense of the past, brings peace today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

I had a kitten when I was a child.  My beloved Buttons ran away.  My parents replaced Buttons with a new kitten they called Buttons.  We had a few “Buttons” over the years.  I think they thought that if we called it the same name, it didn’t matter that the gray cat turned orange.  We knew it was a different cat, but we made a game out of it and “believed” that our cat was magic.  It could change colors, sizes, and personalities. 

Looking back, I realized that we learned some valuable lessons because our parents taught us about the magic in possibilities. 

Knowing those possibilities exist today brings me peace.  Knowing I can teach my grandchildren that possibilities are endless creates a vision for tomorrow.  What is your past/present/future story and why does it make you grateful?

Be thankful for your struggle; it will help you find your strength.

Everybody struggles with something.  Some struggle silently while others shout it for the whole world to hear.  We all deal with it differently. 

None of us can afford to sit down and allow those issues to take over our life.  We need to step back, take time to breathe, and figure out our next best step. 

What one thing can you do to set down those issues so you can hold tight to the strength that comes next?  That’s where you will find the strength you need to continue on. 

Happiness is the spiritual experience of living each minute with grace, love, and gratitude.

Everything you do influences the lives of others in one way or another.  The impact we leave behind could affect the future of more people than you realize. 

Be happy, share your happiness, and leave this world a better place!

If you enjoy my blog, please check out my Facebook page @MichelleMicalCoaching, where you can join and like my page.  Please share it with your friends.  Positivity and gratitude are meant to be shared.

Hang in there.


Your life is amazing! 

You just have to allow it to be!

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

Gratitude Brings Happiness


Gratitude Attitude