Celebrate - For Them
Your wife got that big promotion or your husband went back to school. You have been working on celebrating the smaller things with a special dinner or a big hug. How do you celebrate their life-changing wins?
5 Ways to Celebrate your Partner’s Achievements
1. Party – Celebrate them by throwing them a party. Go all out with the fancy clothes and champagne. Make it special. This could be a party with other people or just the two of you. Just make it special.
2. A little something – Give them a gift that reflects their achievement and helps them remember how proud you are every time they look at it or use it. If she got a promotion, give her a briefcase or a personalized pen. If he gets to his weight loss goal, buy him a new outfit or a gift card to his favorite store.
3. Notes – Write them a note telling them how proud you are of what they’ve done. Add poems, quotes, or prayers to your note. Make it special and make it from the heart.
4. Go Big – Rent a billboard they will see every day. Have the sports announcer congratulate them during the game. Put balloons and signs in your front yard. Figure out what would make them happy and celebrate them that way.
Whatever you decide to do to celebrate, just make sure it’s something they will love. Think back to conversations you’ve had or comments that they made when scrolling the internet or watching tv.
Open your ears and listen.
Make notes (mental or in writing) and keep track of different ways they like to celebrate.
It’s important to remember what they don’t like, too. Make sure that when you are celebrating that you remember it’s for them. Do the things they won’t realize you remembered. Blow them away with the fact that you listened to them and know who they are as a person. Don’t stress over it, though. Just have fun with it.