You Are A Superhero
Superheroes have super powers that help with their purpose in life. Whether you realize it or not you have superpowers. Do you know what they are?
This pandemic has made us all do things we never thought we would be able to do. Some of us learned to use technology that we never knew existed. Others have learned to take their life back from the stress and shoulds, Many people became decluttering divas and organizational queens.
During this time, I have become The Grandma Guru. My super power is to guide women on their journey into the next phase of their life. I picture a purple haired woman dressed like a hiker standing at a fork in the trail directing women towards the path they need to take to get them where they want to be.
Stand back and look at the past six months of your life. What one accomplishment stands out to you? You know, that one thing you never thought you would be able to do. With this in mind, what is your super power? What would your superhero name be?
What is your super power and what will you do with that power? Whatever it is, make it amazing!