Strong Foundation
What does that mean? First of all, it means that no relationship will work unless you put in the work.
Feeling love for someone isn’t all there is to loving them. Loving someone else takes effort. You have to make them a priority and show them how much you care. You have to include them, communicate with them, and be willing to let go of some things that bother you.
Although believing they will be faithful to you is part of trusting them, sometimes we forget that’s not all there is to trusting our partner. When you trust your spouse, you believe in them, support them, and know that they will do the same for you.
Respect is also a part of building a relationship.
Listen to what they have to say, talk to them the way you want them to talk to you.
Don’t cross the boundaries they set and never talk badly about them.
Always how a united front in public.
It’s okay to have a confidant that you trust. But don’t go running to social media when you have a fight and don’t sit with a group of acquaintances and discuss how horrible your relationship is. This is disrespecting your spouse and your relationship.
Love, trust, and respect are the foundation of a good relationship. When both partners put effort in these three categories, they can build the most amazing relationship on that foundation.
What do you do if the foundation gets weak?
You step back and look at your relationship together.
You figure out why it’s weak and work together to make it strong again.
Do not ignore it because once the foundation gets weak, the whole relationship could crumble.
It’s very important to communicate with your spouse daily.
Set aside a time of the day where you have a few minutes (it doesn’t have to be a long meeting, just have a conversation.) Schedule this time in both of you phones so you remember to talk every day.