There’s so much to do this time of the year.  Remember to take the time to relax, refocus and reenergize.  Celebrate your victories; no matter how big or small they are.

There’s so much to do this time of the year.  Remember to take the time to relax, refocus and reenergize.  Celebrate your victories; no matter how big or small they are.

Preparation and Anticipation
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Preparation and Anticipation

Christmas Eve is a time for preparation. Christians are preparing for the birth of Jesus. Families are preparing for Santa to bring gifts. Our celebrations are changing a little this year, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still celebrating the holidays. Don’t let the stress get to you. Remember to relax and have fun. You have prepared enough. Enjoy the holidays!

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Stop And Eat The Cookies
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Stop And Eat The Cookies

We put so much stress on ourselves at this time of the year. It’s no wonder we are so sad! While you are getting so caught up in the shopping, the wrapping, the decorating, and the baking, don’t forget to take care of yourself too.

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Learning Patience
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Learning Patience

How do you want your children to remember their childhood? What legacy do you want to leave behind? Patience is one of the best lessons anyone can learn.

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Manifest Your Dreams
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Manifest Your Dreams

You get to choose what makes you happy and how to live your life. It’s up to you to make it happen or not. Put it out there for the universe to hear. Even if you don’t believe in manifesting, you will have a plan in place to help you achieve your goals.

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Celebrate Your Victories
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Celebrate Your Victories

We are all so focused on being prepared for every possible scenario that we forget to enjoy the moment we are living in now. Take time to celebrate your accomplishments before moving on to the next task.

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Choose Happiness
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Choose Happiness

Focus on doing things that make you happy. Hang around people that bring you joy. Have fun every day.

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