Celebrate Your Victories
My high school teachers drilled into our heads the importance of being prepared. They taught us to anticipate what was coming and to prepare ourselves for whatever will come next.
This was a good thing to teach teenagers. It’s always a good idea to be prepared. However, I am a perfectionist and absolutely hate being blind-sided by things. I tend to play out all the possible scenarios in my head so that I can be prepared for anything.
As an adult I discovered that I have been spending so much time preparing for the moment I am living in but I forgot to stop and actually live that moment. I also found that I am so focused on being prepared for what is to come that I haven’t taken the time to celebrate that I completed the task.
Do I really want to spend the rest of my life worrying about what is going to happen? Imagine the things I would miss out on if I put all of my focus onto the next day, the next event, or even the next social media post.
When we are constantly living for the next thing, when do we get to enjoy the time we have?
I deserve to have fun.
I deserve to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
I deserve the chance to live in the moment.
How do I do that?
I have to make the conscious effort to stop allowing my thoughts to move on to the next thing on my to do list and allow myself to relax and have fun. I need to put in the work. I need to allow myself live in the moment and enjoy the work I put into things. Nobody can do this for me. I have to be willing to let go of some of the perfection and allow life to happen.
I challenge you to stop what you’re doing. Take a few minutes to relax and enjoy the moment you are in. When you complete a project, don’t just move on to the next moment. Celebrate that you have finished one project before you start another. Don’t forget to allow fun to happen and stick around to enjoy it!