The Pain-Life Balance
You were diagnosed with a chronic illness and your entire life changed right before your eyes. The people you love have been trying to help you make it through this, but they’re getting burned out and have a life of their own to get back to. You feel so guilty for getting sick and even guiltier for needing help.
This book will help you find a team of people to help you with the day-to-day things you can no longer do or have trouble doing.
It will teach you how to figure out what you need, who is willing to help, what they’re willing to help with, and when they can help you.
Learn to let go of the guilt and to be open to receiving the help you need so that you can make life a little bit easier - even on the bad days!
The Pain-Life Balance: Make Your Life A Little Easier - Even On The Bad Days!
"It's like swimming upstream every moment you're awake." - Unknown
Swimming against the current feels like you are putting in all sorts of effort without actually getting anywhere. Imagine trying to swim against that current every moment of every day for the rest of your life. After a while you feel exhausted, but you know you have to keep moving so you don't drown.
That's exactly what it feels like to have a chronic condition!
You struggle to get through the day even though your efforts don't seem to be getting you anywhere. Every time you feel like you are getting somewhere, a wave comes along and pushes you backwards.
Don't give up! Instead, imagine the people in your life standing on the shoreline making a human chain to rescue you from the icy waters. Even trained rescue squads need to have reinforcements so they can find the energy to keep helping.
You need a team of people to help you navigate this disease. If you try to do it alone, you won't have the human chain to pull you out of the water so you don't drown. Also, if you don't have back-up team members, the people standing in the water trying to help you to the shore will eventually get so exhausted that they are in danger of becoming ill themselves.