Teachers Who Inspire

Inspirational Teacher

WRITING PROMPT - The teacher who made the biggest impact on you

  • What made them so special to you?

  • Tell a specific story about how this person changed your life

BONUS CHALLENGE - Write a letter to the teacher, thanking them for what they taught you. If you are able to, mailed a letter to them.

The year I went into sixth grade, was the beginning of so many changes in my life. This was the first year of my school career that my best friend would not be in my class. I was devastated, angry, and I blamed it on the new teacher.

How could that have been my teacher’s fault?

It probably wasn’t. But the teacher was my best friends sister. She was not allowed to have her sister in her class, so they moved my best friend into the other class. I didn’t understand why they couldn’t have just switched the teachers instead of uprooting my best friend and taking her away from everyone she was used to. 

I was not happy that this woman was my teacher. I would rather have my best friend with me. How would I ever survive without her?

Although I was angry at Anna, for “splitting us up,“ I was also a people pleaser. I just knew that no matter what happened or how I felt, I had to prove that I was worthy of having her as a teacher. I had to find a way to make this a good thing. So I worked harder. I studied harder. I had to keep working at things so that I could make them perfect. I had to make her proud because of all of the negativity that surrounded my view of her and this job.

Anna is a performer. She plays the guitar, sings, acts, and knows how to keep people’s attention where it needs to be. I believe her love of the arts helped her become one of the best teachers I have ever had!

I felt like Anna was a part of my own family, and I had to make sure I did my best so that I didn’t embarrass her or let her down.

One of my most favorite memories was learning the prepositions in English class. Anna had us learn them in alphabetical order. She had us compete to see who could say them in alphabetical order in the quickest time without any mistakes.

Why does this particular story stay with me?

We moved to the middle of the state when I was 13 years old. On my first day at this new school, my English teacher said that they were having a pop quiz. She told me that I didn’t have to take the quiz because it was my first day of school. I asked her what the quiz was about. When she told us that we had to name 10 prepositions, I smiled… And took the test.

Aboard, about, above, across, after, against, amid, among, around, at. I’ve got this! (I still remember.)

Anna taught me way more than she ever knew she did. Having her as my teacher was one of the best things that ever happened to me. And separating my friend and me helped prepare me for my move to the middle of the state.

Thank you, Anna, for not giving up on me. Thank you for making me believe in myself and teaching me the skills I needed at the time. The lessons you taught me are still helping me – even after all of these years!


Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!


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