Selena’s Waterfall
Setting the Scene - Writing Prompt:
Hiking through a dense forest, Selena came across the most beautiful waterfall she had ever seen. The water looked inviting, but as she
Selena’s Waterfall
Hiking through a dense forest, Selena came across the most beautiful waterfall she had ever seen. The water looked inviting, but as she stripped down to her under clothes, and entered the warm, blue water, she thought she heard a giggle coming from the bushes.
She called out, “Hello. Who’s there?” But there was no answer. She called out again thirty seconds later, and still no answer.
Listening for any other sounds that may indicate she wasn’t alone in the beautiful lagoon, Selena became very uncomfortable. After a few minutes, she decided to get out of the water and try to see exactly who was lurking in the surrounding forest.
Standing up and walking towards the shoreline, Selena scanned the trees cautiously as she walked back to where she left her pile of clothing. She sat on a rock and quickly began putting her on her clothes. However, as she reached for her boots, they were not where she left them.
Selena stood up and walked around the area searching for the boots that seemed to have “walked away” on their own.
How could she hike through this dense forest without shoes? Is that even a safe option? She thought as she sat back down on the rock unsure what to do. The forest floor was full of jagged rocks, prickly plants, and dangerous reptiles and animals that cause some serious damage to a human. She really didn’t want to take her chances by walking around without her boots. So, she sat on that rock trying to figure out how to get out of these woods, and how she could go home. Suddenly she heard the giggling again.
“Hello? Who is here with me?” She asked that question a few times. Again, there was no answer.
Selena closed her eyes as she took a few deep breaths to clear her head, so that she could think. When she opened her eyes again, Selena noticed that a group of large lightning bugs appeared out of nowhere and were circling the lagoon. She sat there quietly, mesmerized by them. If she weren’t so worried about her boots, she really would have enjoyed the scene in front of her.
A few moments later, a thought popped into her head as if someone were speaking to her telepathically. The voice told her to stop fighting the peace and just enjoy it. She decided to take a few minutes to watch these giant fireflies dancing across the lagoon. She noticed that the blue water was surrounded by the most vibrant shades of green plants she had ever seen that yellow flowers that were bright like the sun, and that the red flowers gave off the most beautiful scent that smelled like a combination of vanilla and berries. It was glorious! No wonder these giant fireflies looked so happy. They were in paradise!
Before she knew it, a group of fireflies flew towards her, hovering a few inches from her nose.
It took a few moments for her to realize that the creatures in front of her were not fireflies at all. They look like tiny humans with wings. But that couldn’t be true because fairies weren’t real… Were they?
Once again, she heard giggling. She asked, “Are you fairies?” She didn’t know why she was talking to them. She didn’t think she would get an answer, and she was pretty sure that this experience wasn’t even real. She was startled when another of the creatures flew towards them and spoke to her in the most comforting voice she has ever heard. The creature spoke in English, saying, “My name is Tiana , Queen of the Fairies. You have stumbled into our kingdom, and we need to know your intentions.”
Selena responded, “My name is Selena. I intended to cool off in the beautiful waterfall, but seemed to have lost my boots. Have you seen them?”
Queen Tiana replied, “Yes, Selena. Your boots are safe and will be returned to you once we are sure we can trust you.”
Selena noticed that the other fairies backed up to allow Queen Tiana to speak with her. She also noticed that they were surrounded by hundreds of fairies who were watching every move she made. It was as if they were awaiting orders on whether to attack her or to trust her.
Selena realized that her next move would determine how these fairies treated her. She had to carefully plan all of her words and actions so that she doesn’t offend them. Selena had never been so nervous in her life. She knew it would sound unbelievable, but being surrounded by an army of fae in a remote lagoon was more terrifying than being approached by a gang of hoodlums in a dark alleyway.
Selena explained to Queen Tiana that she was hiking through the forest and the waterfall looked so inviting on such a hot day. She explained that she just wanted to cool off and that she didn’t realize she was intruding. She apologized for disturbing them and asked to be forgiven for any misunderstandings her naivety may have caused.
Queen Tiana saw the look of remorse on Selena‘s face. That look told her that Selena was being honest. It told her that Selena could be trusted.
Selena told the queen that most humans believe that fairies were imaginary. She asked if they had many human visitors, and how they managed to survive in a world that doesn’t believe they exist.
Queen Tiana replied, “We have seen a few humans in our forest. Most of them keep walking because our waterfall and lagoon are hidden by magic. Most humans cannot see our lagoon, so they keep walking. While they are in our home, the fairies hide and stay quiet, so we are not discovered.”
Selena asked, “If it was hidden by magic, how did I find it?”
Queen Tiana explained that most humans have outgrown their belief in magic and therefore cannot see them. Some humans who do believe have impure intentions, so they cannot see anything hidden by our magic. However, occasionally a special human wanders in the forest. This human has not lost their belief in magic, their intentions are pure, and they are open to new experiences. These are the people who find the lagoon. The fact that you see us and our home means that you believe in magic and we can trust your intentions.”
Selena said, “Well, if I can see you, that means I am trustworthy and have good intentions. Is there any way I can have my boots back so that I can stop intruding and can head back home?”
Queen Tiana told her, “Unfortunately that isn’t how this works. Before we can allow you to leave, you will need to complete a few tasks. Another reason you can see us is that mother nature wants you to care for us. I am going to call on Luna, Guardian of the Fae. She will tell us exactly what steps you need to follow so that you can leave. If we allow you to leave before you complete these tasks, you will wander the forest until you have completed them. Your return home depends on the help you provide.
Luna seemed to appear out of thin air. She was taller than the rest of the fairies and you couldn’t help but notice the amount of respect they all had for her.
Luna circled Selena a dozen times, singing a song about nature providing everything they need. When she was done singing, she slowly returned to the queen’s side. She bowed to Queen Tiana and slowly raised her eyes to meet the queen’s gaze. They stared deeply into each other’s eyes for a few moments and then Queen Tiana backed up a little.
Luna explained that she asked the queen permission to speak, and that Queen Tiana gave her permission. She explained that she asked mother nature what tasks Selena needed to complete, and this was the answer she received:
“The woman who arrived in our home today, has only one small price to pay.
Her life is not what it appears. She has been lost throughout the years.
In order to return to the life she’s been leading, Selena must find what she’s been needing.
She’s to spend some time remembering the way to live the life she did as a fae. “
“My life as a fae?” Selena questioned.
Luna applied, “It sounds like you were once one of us, and in order to leave, you must remember that life.”
She looked at Queen Tiana and asked, “Did you know that I was a fairy?”
Queen Tiana nodded her head.
Selena asked, “How am I supposed to remember my life as a fairy?”
Just then, a purple fairy named Thistle flew to the queen’s side. The queen said, “This is Thistle. She knew you will and will be your guide. She will help you on your journey, but she is not allowed to give you the answers you seek. Follow her and she will take you to some of your favorite places.”
Selena followed into the woods with only her socks to protect her feet. She figured that the socks could be a barrier against the rocks, sticks, and animals. It was better than nothing.
The further she walked into the forest, the more familiar her surroundings became. Selena’s eyes fell on a medium-sized oak tree surrounded by yellow daffodils. She walked to the tree, bent down, and smelled the daffodils. She turned to Thistle and said, “I have always loved these flowers.”
Thistle replied, “I know. I remember.”
Then Selena asked Thistle if this tree was her home. Thistle replied, “I’m not allowed to give you the answers you seek.”
Selena sat on the forest floor, leaned against the tree, and closed her eyes. Suddenly she could see a very young Thistle flying around the flowers. Together they gathered pollen to give to their mother. Selena opened her eyes and said, “Thistle, you are my little sister, aren’t you?”
Thistle smiled and nodded in the affirmative.
Memories suddenly rushed into her mind. She remembered everything! She could remember living in the tree. She remembered her three sisters: Thistle, Dahlia, and Clover. She knew that her father had left the community and took her with him so that she could experience life as a human. She also knew that her mother was Queen Tiana, and that Selena is the next in line for the throne. Living as a human was part of her training so that she could take over as queen. It’s important for the queen of the fairies to understand the human world, so that she knew how to protect her kingdom.
Before she could say another word, Selena’s body transformed into its former appearance. Her parents and siblings flew out of their tree and welcomed her home.
Selena’s human training was over, and she could now resume her role as heir to the throne.
It was good to be home!