Althea’s Train Ride

Setting the Scene - Writing Prompt:

Althea fell asleep on the train. When she awoke, she realized she missed her stop. Instead of familiar surroundings, she saw…

Althea’s Train Ride

Althea fell asleep on the train. When she awoke, she realized she missed her stop. Instead of familiar surroundings, she saw people dressed in old-fashioned clothing, rickety, old buildings, including a saloon with the cutest swinging doors, horses tied to posts, wagons bouncing down the dirt streets being pulled by horses and donkeys, and absolutely no pavement or modern conveniences. What she saw on the other side of her train window looked like a scene from an old western movie.


As she glanced around, even the train car booked as if it had been transformed from the sleek, passenger train she boarded into a steam powered train you usually see in old movies . The blue polyester cushions with colorful designs that she was sitting in had been replaced by soft, comfortable, red velvet cushions. The metal car she was in transformed into a beautiful wooden structure train car! The LED lighting was replaced by gorgeous chandeliers which were swaying from the most amazing wooden ceilings Althea had ever seen! Even the other passengers were now dressed in old-fashioned western attire. She felt so out of place in her jeans, t-shirt, sneakers, and hoodie.


As the train slowed to a stop, Althea asked the steward where they were. He looked startled at her attire and answered that they were in Riverton which is part of the Wyoming Territory. He asked her where she was going, and she told him that she was on her way to New Mexico to visit her brother.


Again, the steward looked confused. He didn’t know what this lady was talking about. There was no such place as New Mexico. She must be really confused!

He explained to her that this was the last stop, and that all passengers need to depart the train. He explained that the next train out of town was in two days because Saturday is a holiday, and trains do not run on Sundays or holidays. He asked if she needed help finding accommodations and pointed her into the direction of the local hotel. 


Althea got more confused with each moment that passed. She had so many questions. Where is she? How did she get here? What happened to the train she boarded? Did she travel back in time? If so, how did that happen and what can she do to get back to her own timeline?


As she walked cautiously to the desk inside the hotel that the steward directed her to, Althea could feel all eyes were upon her. The onlookers were wondering who this woman was, where she came from, and why she was dressed like a man. If she wasn’t mistaken, she saw fear in their eyes.


As Althea approached the desk, a beautiful woman with long, red hair said, “Hello ma’am, welcome to Belle’s Hotel. My name is Belle. How can I help you?


Althea explained that she missed her stop on the train and needed a room until the next train left.


Belle told her, “You are in luck. We have one room available.” She showed Althea to her room and told her that Molly’s Place is four doors down on the right. It is the only restaurant in town. If she’s hungry, she can grab a bite to eat there.


Molly’s is open 4:00 AM until 8:00 AM for breakfast. It reopens for lunch at 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM. And supper time starts at 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM.


It wasn’t until she finished her meal at Molly‘s that Althea remembered all of her money was modern and she knew she could not put the meal on her credit card. What was she going to pay with?


Althea nervously looked around and saw Belle walking in the front door of the restaurant . She called Belle over to her table and invited her to sit down. She said, “Belle, I have a big problem and I’m not sure how to fix it.” She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, as she continued with her story of what she now believed to be traveling back in time.


Belle looked at her, confusion clearly showing on her face. After a long pause, she said, “So your money is from the future?“


Althea answered, “I’m afraid so. What can I do?“


Belle told her to wait at the table while she went to talk to Molly. She patted Althea’s hand and told her that they would figure this out. 


Althea was relieved that Belle was so kind to her.  She watched as Belle got up from the table and walked into the back room, to which Althea could only imagine that must have been the kitchen or office. She came back out a few minutes later with an apron draped across her arm. She said that Molly has agreed to allow her to wait on tables to help her pay for her food and lodging. She would start tomorrow morning.


The ladies walked together back to the hotel. Belle explained to Althea that the only ladies who came to this town wearing dungarees were bandits.  If the ladies in town saw her dressed in her jeans and t-shirt, they would be convinced that she was a bandit, too.  She told her that she would lend her a dress to wear while she was in town just to make life a little easier for Althea to fit in.


Althea headed to Molly’s at 3:00 AM to start her shift. Waiting on tables was harder than she thought it would be. They had no bus boys – or any other employees.  Molly did everything by herself.  Althea needed to clean the tables between customers. During the hours they were closed, she was expected to wash the dishes, sweep the floor, and then she could find time to eat or use the restroom. This was so much harder than her summer job at Red Lobster. However, she was very grateful that she had the opportunity to pay for her room and board. She was equally grateful that she had prior waitressing experience.

The next two days were a blur of waiting tables, meeting people, cleaning, and sleeping. Time flew by quickly and before she could even think, it was Sunday evening.


Althea asked Belle about the train schedule. She was enjoying her time in Riverton, but she really wanted to find a way to get back to her family.

Belle explained that the train was scheduled to leave the station at 10:00 AM on Monday.  Althea needed to be at the station by 8:30 AM to purchase her ticket.


The two ladies went into the parlor to have some tea and to make plans for the morning. Belle told her to leave the dress on her bed in the morning and she would take care of it when she cleaned the room. She then showed Althea a hair comb and a matching necklace. Belle told her  that her aunt brought these possessions with her when she came from Italy. They were given to Belle to remind her that family is more than blood.  Family is a group of people who share a strong bond.  She explained that she felt this connection with Althea and knew at once that they were family – even if they were not related by blood.  She asked Althea to keep these trinkets to remember her by. Belle wrapped them in a piece of cloth and handed them to Althea. She ignored Althea’s protests and said, “I don’t have any family in the area.  You have been more of a family to me in the short amount of time you were here than any of my neighbors have ever been. If you do not accept my gift, I will be, very offended. Please keep them to remember our little town – and me.“


Althea smiled, with tears streaming down her face, hugged Belle, and said, “Thank you Belle! I will treasure them always!“


The next morning Althea went to the train station and bought a ticket to Pennsylvania. She figured that, even during this time  period, Pennsylvania had to exist. Maybe she would be able to find home again if she goes back to where her journey began.


Althea boarded the train, waved goodbye to Belle, Molly, and the Riverton settlement.


Once she got settled into her seat, Althea found that she was exhausted. She fell asleep with her head resting on the wooden window frame. She slept for what felt like hours.


Althea was startled awake as she heard the conductor announce, “Last call for Santa Fe.“


Santa Fe?!? Wait! What just happened? She opened her eyes and was once again surrounded by the passengers who boarded the train with her in Pennsylvania. The train was modern again and Althea shrugged it off as a very realistic dream.


As Althea stood to get off the train, her hand went inside her hoodie pocket. She was confused as she found a package wrapped in material.


This couldn’t be what she thought it was, could it?  She cautiously opened the package and found Belle’s hair comb and matching necklace along with a note that read, “To My Dearest Althea, Never forget your Riverton family.  Remembering your family is so very important!  Love, your great-great-aunt Belle.” What a treasure she found during this train journey.

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

Frank’s Fishing Adventure


Setting the Scene