Discover how to make your life easier – even on the bad days!

When chronic illness becomes your focus and you just want to feel like you have some control in your own life, it’s time to find your Pain-Life Balance.

The Pain-Life Balance is a program I have created to help you stop feeling like your illness has taken over your life. This program will teach you how to:

  • Manage your life with chronic illness.

  • Get the help you need without feeling guilty for needing it.

  • Learn to set boundaries to help you feel more in control.

It teaches you the importance of allowing yourself to have fun and become more independent so that you can focus on more than just the doctor appointments and medications that have been consuming your life.

You don’t have to struggle!

The Pain-Life Balance is a program designed to help you discover new ways of dealing with the issues caused by your illness.

  • I understand what it feels like to live moment by moment because your illness dictates your life.

  • I lived through the eye rolls and unanswered phone calls because I am “too needy.”

  • I overcame the guilt of this never-ending illness - and so can you!

Chronic illness takes its toll on you, your family, and your friends. I can help you let go of the guilt and find a way to make life a little bit easier - even on the bad days!

All about the


An extensive guide to setting and respecting boundaries and living a guilt-free life.



Learn to manage your everyday activities and live a normal life - even with your illness. 


Learn how to ask for the help you need, to find people to assist you,  and forgive yourself for needing that help. 


Learn about boundaries:  what they are, how to use them, and how to respect the boundaries of others. 


Learn how to assemble a network of people who can help you do the things that are hard for you so that you can focus on becoming more independent and bring a little more fun into your life.



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