You can’t pour from an empty cup. You need to take care of YOU first.
Join the Choosing Me Challenge and learn how to put your own needs before everyone else’s wants.
By participating in this challenge, you will learn how to:
Be more confident.
Be happier in your own life.
Be a little healthier.
Improve your relationships with yourself and with other people.
Spend your time more wisely.
Shine your love on the world.
Take care of yourself (mind, body, & spirit.
Learn to love YOU again!

“You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” — Louise Hay
The Choose Me Challenge, will help you discover how to embrace your inner radiance so that you can shine love to the world around you.
To join this challenge:
- Become a member of The Grandma Guru group. (It’s FREE and as a member you will be the first to know about any challenges, trainings, and events.)
- Answer the group questions in order to join.
- Check the group every day the month of February
- Read the daily post (will be posted around 7:00 am)
- Complete the daily challenge
- Comment under each daily post that you have completed the challenge of the day. (BONUS - tell us about your experience)
- Be encouraging to other members of the group
- Have fun!