Live An Amazing Life
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Live An Amazing Life

What comes to your mind when I say “Live an amazing life?” Do those words stress you out or give you hope? Do you know that the way your live your life is your choice? If you don’t like what’s happening in your life, you are allowed to change it. Life is too short to not be happy. Find your happiness and figure out a way to live that amazing life!

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Career Goals
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Career Goals

If you could do anything in the world, what would you do? What steps do you need to take to get you out of the dead-end job and into the career of your dreams? Are you afraid? Good! Fear is a sign that you’re doing the right thing! Start small or shoot for the moon. Whichever you choose, just do something. You can’t make your dreams come true by doing nothing!

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Work-Life Balance
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Work-Life Balance

Are you so busy trying to make everything in your life a priority that you don’t know how to balance it all? Imagine holding a tote box for each aspect of your life that you are juggling right now. These boxes pile up and get really heavy. Eventually you have to sit them down and choose only one. This video will tell you how to know when choosing your career is the right choice.

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Plan of Attack
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Plan of Attack

When you find yourself exhausted just thinking about all the projects you have waiting for you, take a few deep breaths and make a plan of attack. Figure out each step you need to take and how long it will take you to chip away at this project. Once you have a plan in place, remember that unless you get up and start working nothing will change. A plan of attack without putting in the work is just a plan.

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Reach For The Stars
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Reach For The Stars

You have all these big plans for projects in your life. You sat down and made a plan of action, but then got distracted. Making a plan is only one of the steps to getting your projects completed. No project will be completed unless you put in the effort to make it happen. That’s why it’s called a plan of action. You can’t forget the action part or your project will never get done. You can’t reach for the stars if you never leave the couch.

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One Bite At A Time
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

One Bite At A Time

Does the thought of that project stress you out? Are you so overwhelmed that you don’t even know where to begin? What’s the best way to get through it? Tackle your project like you would eat a sandwich; one bite at a time. Break the project down into smaller tasks. Then break the tasks down into steps that can be completed within a small amount of time. Complete each step to finish each task. Complete each task and your project will be done in no time! Don’t forget to celebrate the completion of your project!

#OneBiteAtATime #MakeTimeForYou #Awesomeness #MakeTheTime #MarriageMeeting #PrioritzeYourLife #Priorities #ChangeYourFocus #Focus #GrowingStrong #MakeADifference #MakingMemories #WorthTheWork #OurFuture #TheGrandmaGuru #MichelleMicalMotivation #positivetransformation #lifecoaching #midlifementor

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Take Action
Michelle Mical Michelle Mical

Take Action

The top five priorities in your life are the big ones These are the things that drive you and keep you focused, healthy, and balanced. Just remember, if you say that it’s a priority, you should be making it a priority. If not, let it go and focus on something that matters more in your life. The key here is to balance your wants and your needs with the actions you take.

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