Fresh Starts And New Beginnings

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We are all trying to figure out what our next best step will be.  2021 is our fresh start; our new beginning.  But, is it really? 


If we continue to put all of our hopes and dreams into 2021, what will we have to look forward to in the future?  That’s a lot of pressure and it sure doesn’t help us to enjoy the day we are having right now!

Pick one thing you want to change in 2021; something you can actually make happen.  You have 364 more days this year to get it done.  Start chipping away at it a little every day and you will be surprised how quickly you can make this dream a reality.


The reason some of our resolutions don’t happen is that we don’t put much thought or effort into them or we make our goals way too big.  Th easiest way to fix that is to start small and keep working towards your goal.


If you aren’t sure how to get where you want to be, join me in my my mini course on goal setting.  I will teach you how narrow down which goals are important to you, the steps you need to take to attain those goals, and even set you up with an accountability partner if that’s what you need!  Email me at and we can schedule a call to get more information.


Happy 2021!

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!

Reflection And Change